Being a Homemaker is a beautiful and rewarding job. Not only is it a way to serve the Lord and your family, but it also saves you money, and is one of the only places that another person cannot replace you.


My journey to becoming a homemaker began during my time at home in highschool. It was then I saw the beauty, reward, and importance of it. I was homeschooled from 6th grade through highschool and I was home with my mom everyday (favorite part of childhood btw) and that’s when we had discussions about the home, busyness, food, and everything else you can imagine. I had that time with her to talk about literally anything and everything since she found her purpose in being home with me. 

When my husband and I met, the very first thing we talked about was the God given roles of a husband and wife and how we both wanted to live on a ranch, be as self-sufficient as possible, and how we wanted a home not just a house. Our journey from here is long enough for another blog but to put it simply after living many different ways, God blessed us with the dream we wanted since those first few talks together. And here we are.

Now that you know a little about my background, let’s talk about the 3 reasons a homemaker is valuable!


One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Proverbs 31:10-31. It is something I desire to model as a woman of God and as a homemaker. 

Verses 10-12 is about how her husband trusts in her and she does good to him. When he gets home from work, he can eat, rest, and be present with their family.

The middle chunk of verses talks about the ways she provides for the home with willing hands, preparation, prudence, wisdom, strength, dignity, joy, and love for the Lord.

Verses 28-31 talks about the blessings she receives from her family and from the Lord for it. 

If this had been written after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ I would say she has created a haven for her family to rest in Christ. She has created an ambience of Christ-likeness so they can focus on Him. As a woman of God and as a homemaker this should be your goal too.


Ok, I know what you are thinking, how does becoming a homemaker save you money when you just went from 2 incomes to 1? I am here to tell you that it really does! Because if done well, it is equivalent to another income. Think about how much you spend on things that you could be doing yourself at home like for instance baking bread for your family costs around $1.50 (most likely less) per loaf of bread vs. the $4-$6 loaf you get at the store and it’s super easy and not time consuming at all. Then think about if you had a garden and you grew your own fruits and veggies, or if you took time to make your own dish detergent, or laundry detergent that is 1. Non-toxic and 2. A huge bulk amount for a third of the cost of other detergents. There are SO many things you can replace for cheaper and healthier that you have time for when you are home to do it. You also will have more time available to have a side hustle like blogging haha! Or selling soaps you already make for your family, or selling the things you crochet or knit. The possibilities are endless and you have time for your family and for yourself.


If it’s one thing that homemakers are, it is irreplaceable. Everywhere you work outside the home you can be replaced by another person. In the home, your job is so unique and beautiful and each child you have is unique, your husband is unique, and you are unique. The way your family operates is unique and therefore only you can be that homemaker for your haven. A homemaker’s job is simply irreplaceable.

“I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion.”

Jani Ortlund